Alastair R Noble

Cover image front & back 22 photographs of doors in Puno Peru taken by the artist in 2012 with quotes on opposing pages by Bachelard,Heidegger, Simmel & Beckett Dimensions 216x140mm Pages 46 Paper 80# Coated white Perfect Bound Cover Glossy

Photographs by Cris Gianakos & Text selection and Book design by Alastair Noble 44 Pages 250mmx180mm

Photographs by Cris Gianakos & Text selection and Book design by Alastair Noble 44 Pages 250mmx180mm

A selection of sculptures by Kathy Bruce w/ commentary by A R Noble Dimensions: 229 x178mm Printed in full colour, on 80#White Glossy cover

A selection of sculptures by Kathy Bruce w/ commentary by A R Noble Dimensions: 229 x178mm Printed in full colour, on 80#White Glossy cover

A selection of sculptures by Kathy Bruce w/ commentary by A R Noble Dimensions: 229 x178mm Printed in full colour, on 80#White Glossy cover

Poetry by Alastair Noble with Collages by Kathy Bruce. Afterward by Michael Howard Dimensions:216x216mm Colour printed on 80# white 42 pags Cover Glossy

Poetry by Alastair Noble with Collages by Kathy Bruce. Afterward by Michael Howard Dimensions:216x216mm Colour printed on 80# white 42 pags Cover Glossy

Poetry by Alastair Noble with Collages by Kathy Bruce. Afterward by David Hopkins Dimensions:216x216mm Colour printed on 80# white 46 pages Cover Glossy

Poetry by Alastair Noble with Collages by Kathy Bruce. Afterward by David Hopkins Dimensions:216x216mm Colour printed on 80# white 46 pages Cover Glossy

Book photographs of temporary intervention on THE LAND/ artsite New Mexico with text "On Exactitude in Science" by JL Borges. Colour printed 30 pages Dimensions 222x215mm

Book photographs of temporary intervention on THE LAND/ artsite New Mexico with text "On Exactitude in Science" by JL Borges. Colour printed 30 pages Dimensions 222x215mm

Photographs of a temporary of stacked stone structures with text excerpt from The Origin of the Work of Art Heidegger Location Andy Warhol Preserve Visual Arts Program Montauk Long Island NY Colour printed 30 pages Dimensions 215x215mm

Photographs of a temporary of stacked stone structures with text excerpt from The Origin of the Work of Art Heidegger Location Andy Warhol Preserve Visual Arts Program Montauk Long Island NY Colour printed 30 pages Dimensions 215x215mm

Book of a sculptural pavilion in bamboo built at the Open City Ritoque Chile with excerpt from the the poem Amereida by Godfredo Iommi Printed in colour 30 pages Dimensions: 218x215mm

Book of a sculptural pavilion in bamboo built at the Open City Ritoque Chile with excerpt from the the poem Amereida by Godfredo Iommi Printed in colour 30 pages Dimensions: 218x215mm